Sadly, many companies never make it to their first anniversary. In fact, studies show that 20% fail in the first year, and 50% fail within five years. Therefore, each year of operating a successful business deserves recognition. The celebration does not have to be a large business anniversary party. However, there should be some acknowledgment of your success! The experts at Salero On The Beach offer these five ideas based on previous experience with our clients.
1. Launch an Appreciation Campaign or Community Service Day
Launch a campaign to show appreciation for the clients and employees that have contributed to your company’s success. For instance, you can send your clients and employees a thank-you note for their continued loyalty. Include on your note an invitation to leave positive comments on your social media accounts. The company could also sponsor a paid community service day, allowing your employees to donate their time and skills toward a charity of their choice.
2. Update Your Marketing Materials/Redesign Your Logo
The primary force behind your initial logo and marketing materials decisions may have been financial. A business anniversary is an excellent time to review these items and get an updated look. You may be satisfied with the current logo and simply want to add the number for the years in business to the logo. Also, a fresh logo may even attract new business.
3. Create Commemorative Merchandise
Get custom-designed merchandise to celebrate your business anniversary. For example, think out of the box and purchase items that can be associated with your industry. There are numerous sites where you can order these personalized products. Look at and to get ideas. Share these items with employees, clients, and prospects.
4. Create a Video about the Business
Creating a video about the history of the company has become a popular business anniversary idea. Furthermore, the CEO or owner should be the narrator for the most impact. Start the video with pictures from opening day. Also, let your narrator walk the viewer along through the history of the company. Likewise, note important advancements and expansions that have occurred. Also, be sure to thank the dedicated employees and loyal clients. If possible, ask some of your clients to appear in the video. Last but not least, post the video on all of your social media accounts, and send it to clients and prospects.
5. Hold an Anniversary Party
If you are not ready, financially, to hold a large anniversary party, there are some other business party idea options. If your company is still small, you can have a pool party or sponsor a Family Day at the beach and invite all employee families.
Once your company is ready to have a large business anniversary party, get started planning. Look for a beautiful locale with music, dancing, dining, and refreshments. Most importantly, be sure to give yourself plenty of planning time. If you or your delegated employee has never planned an event of this magnitude, you may want to get a professional planner to help you. Answer these basic questions to get started on your anniversary party ideas:
- Type of venue you are looking for
- Who you wish to invite: employees, spouses, clients. Need a rough number
- Type of event: Recognition or celebration
- Theme choice or No Theme
- Decoration and Menu ideas
Start your business anniversary party planning with the answers to these 5 questions. We have a planning chart at How to plan the right menu for your corporate event that will help you plan your menu.
You can try any one or a combination of the above business anniversary ideas. Salero On The Beach has planners that can help you with the party of your dreams. We will also work with you to stay within your budget. So, please contact us to discuss your ideas and how we can help you celebrate your business anniversary.
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